
Student Outcomes Harmed by Inequitable Funding

Why does the defunding of public education by Governor Kasich matter? Because it harms student outcomes more than any other controllable event according to new research

There exists an increasing body of evidence that substantive and sustained state school finance reforms matter for improving both the level and distribution of short term and long run student outcomes. A few studies have attempted to tackle school finance reforms broadly applying multi-state analyses over time. Card and Payne (2002) found “evidence that equalization of spending levels leads to a narrowing of test score outcomes across family background groups.” (p. 49) Jackson, Johnson and Persico (2014) use data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to evaluate long term outcomes of children exposed to court-ordered school finance reforms, based on matching PSID records to childhood school districts for individuals born between 1955 and 1985 and followed up through 2011. They find that the “Effects of a 20% increase in school spending are large enough to reduce disparities in outcomes between children born to poor and non‐poor families by at least two‐thirds,” and further that “A 1% increase in per‐pupil spending increases adult wages by 1% for children from poor families.”
On balance, it is safe to say that a significant and growing body of rigorous empirical literature validates that state school finance reforms can have substantive, positive effects on student outcomes, including reductions in outcome disparities or increases in overall outcome levels. Further, it stands to reason that if positive changes to school funding have positive effects on short and long run outcomes both in terms of level and distribution, then negative changes to school funding likely have negative effects on student outcomes. Thus it is critically important to understand the impact of the recent recession on state school finance systems, the effects on long term student outcomes being several years down the line.

Gates Foundation opposes release of teachers’ VAM scores

Join the Future was highly critical of the Plain Dealer and NPR when they published a small set of teachers value-add scores. Recently in Florida, a court case forced the Florida Department of Education to publish the value-add scores of their teachers too. In response to this, the Gates Foundation, via their K-12 Education Director, Vicki Phillips, issued this statement condemning this kind of public shaming

We at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation oppose the public release of individual teacher information because there is no evidence to suggest it will lead to improvement in teacher performance. It will not attract new intelligent and passionate individuals to the profession, and it will not make our schools more effective.

Teacher performance evaluations can only translate into better schools when they deliver concrete, personalized feedback that helps each individual teacher become more effective. These evaluations should include feedback from a variety of sources, and, perhaps most obviously, these individual evaluations must be kept private. As we’ve seen before, publicizing individual performance data may undermine the very work that could help empower teachers and improve our schools.

Govermnent Data proves Governor Continues to Shrink Education Budget

Steve Dyer recently crunched the education budget numbers produced by LSC, and produced the table below. It shows the on going defunding of public education in Ohio by Governor Kasich. Since 2010 education funding has shrunk year-on-year from 21.7% of state funds to 19.4% this year - despite increased monies from the economic recovery being available.

Dyer notes

If this budget had the same commitment as the one prior to Kasich taking office, Ohio would have spent $1.3 billion more on education in FY15 than it actually is spending.

FY10 FY11 FY12 Fy13 FY14 FY15
Total ED Funding $12,064,962,135 $11,914,583,939 $11,280,775,954 $10,879,823,770 $11,520,765,322 $12,013,518,929
Total All Funds $55,676,487,088 $54,883,477,824 $52,854,463,737 $53,427,114,306 $59,484,815,814 $61,636,877,244
% of Funds to Education 21.7% 21.7% 21.3% 20.4% 19.4% 19.5%

One of many nails in the VAM coffin….

Following up on the previous post, this via Better Living Through Mathematics

If you’ve read the American Statistical Association’s position on the dangers of evaluating teacher performance based on the “Value-Added Model,” you’re probably wondering how they arrived at this very sobering conclusion. As Albert Einstein was alleged to have stated, “Not everything that counts is countable, and not everything that is countable counts.” In this case, AMSTAT took that advice to heart and so strongly inveighed against VAM that they essentially labeled it a form of statistical malpractice.

In this post, I’m going to examine one of the studies that no doubt had a profound impact on the members of AMSTAT that led them to this radical (but self-evident) conclusion. In 2012, the researcher C. Kirabo Jackson at Northwestern University published a “working paper” for the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works (I’m quoting here from their website.) The paper, entitled “Non-Cognitive Ability, Test Scores, and Teacher Quality: Evidence from 9th Grade Teachers in North Carolina” questions the legitimacy of evaluating a teacher based on his/her students’ test scores. Actually, it is less about “questioning” and more about “decimating” and “annihilating” the practice of VAM.

I downloaded the paper and have been reading it for the past few days. Jackson clearly has done his homework, and this paper is extremely dense in statistical analysis which is rooted in data collected by the National Educational Longitudinal Study 1988, which began with 8th graders who were surveyed on a range of educational issues as described below:

On the questionnaire, students reported on a range of topics including: school, work, and home experiences; educational resources and support; the role in education of their parents and peers; neighborhood characteristics; educational and occupational aspirations; and other student perceptions. Additional topics included self-reports on smoking, alcohol and drug use and extracurricular activities. For the three in-school waves of data collection (when most were eighth-graders, sophomores, or seniors), achievement tests in reading, social studies, mathematics and science were administered in addition to the student questionnaire.

To further enrich the data, students’ teachers, parents, and school administrators were also surveyed. Coursework and grades from students’ high school and postsecondary transcripts are also available in the restricted use dataset – although some composite variables have been made available in the public use file.

The survey was followed up in 1990, 1992, 1994 and 2000, which means that it began when students were just about to begin their high school career, and then followed up when they were in 10th and 12th grades, and followed them through post-high school, college and postgraduate life. It is one of the most statistically valid sample sets of educational outcomes available.

What should be noted is that Jackson is not an educational researcher, per se. Jackson was trained in economics at Harvard and Yale and is an Associate Professor of Human Development and Social Policy. His interest is in optimizing measurement systems, not taking positions on either side of the standardized testing debate. Although this paper should reek with indignation and anger, it makes it’s case using almost understated tone and is filled with careful phrasing like “more than half of teachers who would improve long run outcomes may not be identified using test scores alone,” and “one might worry that test-based accountability may induce teachers to divert effort away from improving students’ non-cognitive skills in order to improve test scores.”

But lets get to the meat of the matter, because this paper is 42 pages long and incorporates mind-boggling statistical techniques that account for every variable one might want to filter out to answer the question: are test scores enough to judge the effectiveness of a teacher? Jackson’s unequivocal conclusion: no, not even remotely.

The first thing Jackson does is review a model that divides the results of education into two dimensions: the cognitive effects, which can be measured by test results, and the non-cognitive effects, which are understood to be socio-behavioral outcomes, which when combined, determine adult outcomes. To paraphrase the old Charlie the Tuna commercial, it’s more than whether we want adults that test good – we also want them to be good adults. Clearly, Jackson is aiming a little higher than those who would believe that test scores are the end result of “good teaching.” He’s focusing on what “non-cognitive” effects a teacher can have on a student, which includes things like diminishing their rates of truancy and suspensions, improving their grades (which are different from test scores) and helping increase the likelihood that they will attend college.

Which poses the less than obvious question: if teachers have an effect on both cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes, are they correlated or independent? That is, if a teacher is effective in raising test scores, will that lead to less truancy, fewer suspensions, better grades and less grade retention? Even more interesting is the idea that teachers could be more effective on one scale while being low on the other: is it possible for a teacher to be very effective at improving a student’s non-cognitive functioning while not having an effect on his/her test scores?

By page 4, Jackson’s paper starts to draw blood: using the results of the NELS 1988, Jackson concludes that a standard deviation increase in non-cognitive ability in 8th grade is associated with fewer arrests and suspensions, more college-going and better wages than the same standard deviation improvement in test scores. It’s almost as if Jackson is telling us, “hey, 8th grade teachers: want to improve your students future life? Spend less time on test prep and more time helping them show up at school, staying out of trouble and improving their actual grades.”

This alone would be enough of a takeaway, but this incredibly dense paper continues to hammer away at any thought that test scores are meaningful in any way: in the same paragraph, Jackson states that a teacher’s effect on college-going and wages may be as much as three times larger than predicted based on test scores alone. HFS! Oh, and just to make things more interesting, it is followed by this statement: “As such, more than half of teachers who would improve long run outcomes may not be identified using test scores alone.”

To summarize, we’re only in the middle of page 4 of this paper, and we’ve already learned the following:

a) Teachers have an effect on both cognitive skills of their students, and non-cognitive skills of their students. The first leads to higher test scores, the second leads to more college going, fewer arrests and better wages.

b) In 8th grade, non-cognitive achievement is a better predictor of college going and higher wages, as well as fewer arrests and suspensions, than test scores.

c) A teacher’s effect on these “non-cognitive” outcomes is as much as 300% greater than can be measured using test scores.

But wait, there’s more!

Okay, I’m only below the middle of page 4, and already I’ve read three conclusions that essentially kill off any legitimacy to judging a teacher’s effectiveness based on test scores, and the good stuff has even gotten started!

What Jackson is up to in his paper is something bigger, way bigger: it would be possible to argue at this point that somehow cognitive and non-cognitive skills, while both responsible in some part to positive adult outcomes, are still correlated; that is, if you improve the test scores, the other non-cognitive stuff will come along as a bonus. This is where Jackson goes for the jugular, and, as is typical of research papers, he essentially “buries the lead.”

“This paper presents the first evidence that teachers have meaningful effects on non cognitive outcomes that are strongly associate with adult outcomes and are not correlated with test scores.” (Emphasis mine, italics his, by the way.)

Nations Top Statisticians Question Use of Value-Add

The American Statistical Association (ASA) the nationas leading group of statisticians recently released a statement of Valuee-add, that calls into question the whole premise of using this statistical measure for the purposes of evaluating teachers job performance. Their comments below:

  1. VAMs are complex statistical models, and high-level statistical expertise is needed to
    develop the models and [emphasis added] interpret their results.
  2. Estimates from VAMs should always be accompanied by measures of precision and a discussion of the assumptions and possible limitations of the model. These limitations are particularly relevant if VAMs are used for high-stakes purposes.
  3. VAMs are generally based on standardized test scores, and do not directly measure
    potential teacher contributions toward other student outcomes.
  4. VAMs typically measure correlation, not causation: Effects – positive or negative –
    attributed to a teacher may actually be caused by other factors that are not captured in the model.
  5. Under some conditions, VAM scores and rankings can change substantially when a
    different model or test is used, and a thorough analysis should be undertaken to
    evaluate the sensitivity of estimates to different models.
  6. VAMs should be viewed within the context of quality improvement, which distinguishes aspects of quality that can be attributed to the system from those that can be attributed to individual teachers, teacher preparation programs, or schools.
  7. Most VAM studies find that teachers account for about 1% to 14% of the variability in test scores, and that the majority of opportunities for quality improvement are found in the system-level conditions. Ranking teachers by their VAM scores can have unintended consequences that reduce quality.
  8. Attaching too much importance to a single item of quantitative information is counter-productive—in fact, it can be detrimental to the goal of improving quality.
  9. When used appropriately, VAMs may provide quantitative information that is relevant for improving education processes…[but only if used for descriptive/description purposes]. Otherwise, using VAM scores to improve education requires that they provide meaningful information about a teacher’s ability to promote student learning…[and they just do not do this at this point, as there is no research evidence to support this ideal].
  10. A decision to use VAMs for teacher evaluations might change the way the tests are viewed and lead to changes in the school environment. For example, more classroom time might be spent on test preparation and on specific content from the test at the exclusion of content that may lead to better long-term learning gains or motivation for students. Certain schools may be hard to staff if there is a perception that it is harder for teachers to achieve good VAM scores when working in them. Overreliance on VAM scores may foster a competitive environment, discouraging collaboration and efforts to improve the educational system as a whole.

You can read their whole document below.

ASA Statement on Using Value-Added Models for Educational Assessment

Living in John Kasich's Ohio

Via Ohioans united

One of the best things we can do for every child is to see that he or she has a quality education. That’s something that will put them on a path to a bright future. Properly-funded public schools are essential if we are to ensure that all children – no matter where they live or who their parents are- receive the education they deserve. That’s why it is so disheartening to see Gov. Kasich shifting millions and millions of dollars from public schools into failing charter schools.

And remember – every dollar given to a failing charter school is a dollar less for traditional public schools. Since taking office, Kasich has cut more than half a billion dollars in state funding for public schools. The result is over 90% of public schools have had to make cuts, including teachers and course offerings.

To me, as a teacher and a mom, it is the height of irresponsibility for the governor to be taking money out of a system that provides a quality education to Ohio’s children and shift the funds into schools that are failing at an alarming rate. Ohio’s kids deserve better.

That’s why I’ve joined with Ohioans United to get the word out about Gov. Kasich’s harmful education policy. Watch the ad below and share it with your friends and family to make sure they know the truth about John Kasich’s record.