Education News for 09-28-2012

State Education News

  • Probe: Kids wrongly put in seclusion (Columbus Dispatch)
  • The Columbus school district has used its seclusion rooms — some as small as a closet, some reeking of urine or covered in spit…Read more...

  • Area high schoolers learn financial responsibility (Lima News)
  • Most area high schoolers don’t think about retirement, buying a house or managing a mortgage on a daily basis, if at all…Read more...

  • Mansfield case may have triggered state's new booster club law (Mansfield News Journal)
  • Mansfield City Schools Superintendent Dan Freund applauds a new law authorizing the Ohio Attorney General's…Read more...

  • State report cards provide school districts with targets (Youngstown Vindicator)
  • Report card day has traditionally been a happy day for some kids and a day of trepidation…Read more...

Local Education News

  • CPS is part of ongoing audit (Cincinnati Enquirer)
  • A statewide attendance-rigging investigation includes schools in the Cincinnati Public Schools district…Read more...

  • Chief Eric Gordon: 'It's do or die time' for district (Cleveland Plain Dealer)
  • The Cleveland schools are in a position to greatly improve the education of the city's children…Read more...

  • City schools to hire 2 bus companies (Columbus Dispatch)
  • The Columbus school district plans to spend $400,000 to hire two more school-bus companies for 60 days…Read more...

  • Sizing up the schools (Warren Tribune Chronicle)
  • Niles City Schools Superintendent Mark Robinson said that although he's not pleased with his district's…Read more...

  • Parents in Cleveland and across Ohio have choices (WEWS)
  • For parents of children in under-performing schools in Ohio…Read more...


  • Nasty surprise (Akron Beacon Journal)
  • The Akron school district has to refund all at once $3.2 million, most of it payments it should not have received from tax increment deals…Read more...

  • Worth a look (Columbus Dispatch)
  • Foster care never is an ideal solution, especially for the long term. Frightened children whose homes are in crisis are sent to stay with strangers…Read more...