State Board of Ed 2012 Results

In the 7 races for State Board of education, 4 pro-public education candidates won.

Ann Jacobs defeat former OSU QB and Kasich appointee Stanley Jackson handily 65-35. Both Mary Rose Oakar and Stephanie Dodd also handily beat their opponents 63-37 and 60-24-15 respectively, with Michael Collins narrowly defeated his 2 opponents to be reelected.

Bryan Williams, Jeff Hardin, both incumbents defeated their pro-public education opponents. To round out the results, Sarah Fowler, a home-school graduate was also elected.

The State board of education has a lot of work to do, as the Dispatch notes

The new board has some heavy lifting to do in the coming year, starting with the hiring of a state superintendent. The post has been vacant since early August, when Stan Heffner resigned after an ethics probe.

The board also must fix state-issued report cards that have been manipulated by false data submitted by school districts, and oversee implementation of Ohio’s third-grade reading guarantee and more-rigorous curriculum standards.

Let's hope the pro public education voices are listened to. We'll be watching closely.