Education News for 11-08-2012

State Education News

  • 55% of school levies pass (Columbus Dispatch)
  • As Gov. John Kasich’s administration finishes work on a new plan for funding public education, Ohio voters approved 55 percent of the 192 tax increases for schools on Tuesday’s ballot…Read more…

  • Test scores suffer when kids move (Columbus Dispatch)
  • The students aren’t staying put, Not in Columbus, a district that has long struggled with a student population that often.…Read more…

Local Education News

  • Cyberbullying and Sexting - Prevention and Education (New Carlisle News)
  • On Thursday, October 25th, 2012, Tecumseh Middle School, hosted the CyberBullying and Sexting Prevention and Education for all students and parents.…Read more…

  • Cleveland school board votes to restore full school day, along with cut programs, after levy wins (Cleveland Plain Dealer)
  • CLEVELAND, Ohio — Cleveland schoolchildren will have 50 minutes returned to their school day in January, after East Side voters overwhelmed West Side opposition to give the district more money Tuesday.…Read more…

  • Columbus school board discussing bus problem (Columbus Dispatch)
  • Spurred by complaints from parents, the Columbus Board of Education wants a plan to fix problems with the district’s bus operation.…Read more…

  • Upper Arlington Schools Did Not Plan For Levy Failure (WBNS)
  • Upper Arlington City Schools officials said that they did not plan for specific cuts should their levy fail at the ballot – which it did.…Read more…

  • Cleveland: Work begins after levy passes (WKYC)
  • CLEVELAND -- The Cleveland Metropolitan School District took its first action Wednesday night, one day after voters passed a 15-mill property tax levy.…Read more…