It is in our nature to want peace and harmony in our lives. And so it is what we desire in our work lives and classrooms. Standing up and speaking out does not always come naturally to everyone and seems especially difficult for educators. As a teacher, we want things to be at peace. It is essential to the well-being of our students, colleagues and our classrooms. How does learning happen otherwise?
Confronting the politics, policies, and management techniques of those perceived to be "the boss" is very uncomfortable. The fear of reprisal is real. There is a weapon to the fear of reprisal and it is solidarity.
Solidarity~a feeling of unity between people who have the same interests, goals, etc.
As colleagues in this anti-teacher, anti-public education climate, it will be the unity we build that will help us create the best environment for student learning. No one decided to enter the profession of professional educator to create data widgets. Many of us are over the moon when students learn from their curiosity and develop a sense of being a life-long learner. It does no good for our students if we only stew and/or complain. Change needs to happen. For our benefit and the benefit of OUR students.
I want to remind you again that administrators need to hear our voices of discontent. If you EVER feel that you are being punished because of your expression of free speech, it is your responsibility to let your Union representative know immediately.
Any meeting that an administrator requests can be attended by you and your building representative.
In solidarity,
Soozie Hetterscheidt