"All of this is nonsense. It is absolute total nonsense" ~ Diane Ravtich a the Chicago City Club, October 2012.
Local educators counter Romney
Yesterday, Mitt Romney came to town to host a lavish million dollar fundraiser at the New Albany home of Lex Wexner. According to news reports, the gathering was a who's who of Ohio's 1%.
Meanwhile, educators gathered in New Albany to hold a press conference to highlight Mitt Romney's anti-teacher, anti-public education agenda.
After the press conference concluded, a handful of Mitt Romney supporters, recruited from a local equestrian club perhaps, showed up late to counter the press conference.
Bloomberg news reports on the somewhat schizophrenic messaging problem Mitt Romney has
What’s unfolding in Florida highlights a dilemma for the Romney campaign: how to allow Republican governors to take credit for economic improvements in their states while faulting Obama’s stewardship of the national economy. Republican governors in Ohio, Virginia, Michigan and Wisconsin also have highlighted improving economies.
Ohio media and now wondering if Ronmey has had similar conversations with Gov. Kasich.