
Education News for 04-26-2013

State Education News

  • Columbus schools auditor slows plan to expand office (Columbus Dispatch)
  • The Columbus City Schools’ internal auditor proposed a scaled-back plan last night to boost her staff and help protect the district against future problems like the data-rigging…Read more...

  • Ramos balks at recording Academic Distress Commission meetings (Lorain Morning Journal)
  • Most bylaws of the Academic Distress Commission that will oversee Lorain’s school system were approved Monday, but commission member Raul Ramos…Read more...

Local Education News

  • Cleveland names 'investment schools' slated for turnaround (Cleveland Plain Dealer)
  • The Cleveland school district this afternoon named 13 low-performing schools to receive intensive help next school year…Read more...

  • LCC will issue all students iPads (Lima News)
  • Lima Central Catholic High School students will be handed an iPad when they arrive to school next year. They will keep the devices all year, which school officials believe will improve their education…Read more...

  • Lima schools promise free lunch for all (Lima News)
  • Come next school year, every pupil in the Lima schools will be eligible for free lunches…Read more...

  • Hilliard officials rip schools deal to sell land for homes (This Week News)
  • Hilliard city officials say the Hilliard school board acted hypocritically when it approved selling 124 acres to Rockford Homes for almost $5 million, given the district’s past complaints…Read more...