
SB5 signature collection continues apace

All day today, people from all over central Ohio formed a steady stream of petitioners at OEA HQ, downtown Columbus. Volunteers from the Columbus Education Association worked shifts manning tables and assisting people signing the petitions.

SB5 petition

Even with incessant April showers people still came to show their support for public education and express their disgust with SB5.

SB5 petition book

Ten down, 230990 more to go!

All around Ohio this weekend, citizens in their thousands lined up to sign the petitions. Here's a news sampling

Nice job to everyone who helped organize these efforts all around the state. There's a lot of work left to do, but we're off to a flying start!

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Petition training pics and update

A packed house at JTF world HQ last night for petition training. Folks were excited and ready to go!

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Thanks to the OEA staff for taking the time to deliver the training.

We also learned that We Are Ohio have begun printing 100,000 petitions which should start being available Friday. Stay tuned.

SOS Husted directive to Franklin County BoE RE: SB5 petition

Secretary of State John Husted sent the following directive to the Franklin County Board of Elections regarding the SB 5 repeal petitions that were just filed.

April 6, 2011

To: Franklin County Board of Elections Re: Initial Petitions Filed re: Prospective Referendum Petition Against Am. Sub. S.B. NO.5 (collective bargaining law affecting public employees) ofthe 1291h General Assembly

This Directive provides instructions to the Franklin County Board of Elections on the examination, scanning, and certification of signatures on two separate petitions that have been submitted to the Secretary of State to begin the referendum process against Am. Sub. S.B. NO.5. The Board must complete its examination and certification consistent with the instructions outlined below and return its certification and the part-petitions to the Secretary of State's office not later than next Monday, Ap.-illl, 2011.

Read the rest at the link. Just a few more days to certify the 3,000 signatures!