Sample Letter

Dear Elected Official,

I am writing today to urge to you vote against Senate Bill 5. In today's difficult economy, we need to focus on providing Ohio's children with a quality education. We all know that a solid education will make them more valuable and attractive to employers in this tough job market. Senate Bill 5 seeks to undermine the quality preparation students receive in our schools.

Children need teachers to focus on them and their classrooms. Allowing the union to represent teachers frees them to do what they do best: TEACH.

Collective bargaining allows educators to have a voice in improving opportunities for Ohio's students, better classroom resources, and improved teaching and learning conditions.

Like all public employees, educators are an integral part of the fabric of Ohio's communities. Senate Bill 5 weakens Ohio. Rather than creating jobs, this legislation will hurt local communities, weakening Ohio's economic outlook.

I am proud to be an educator in state of Ohio. Please ensure that Ohio continues to attract well-qualified, dedicated teachers by voting against Senate Bill 5.
