
Dublin city schools town hall report

Last night Dublin City Schools held a budget town hall, to a packed auditorium, as you can see from this 10 second video clip

A number of state legislators were in attendance, Rep. Carney, Rep Duffy, Rep Brenner's aide, Sen. Gillmor, Sen. and Sen. Jordan. Each spoke for a brief few minutes. None broke any new ground, with Republicans making their case for no tax increases and the lone Democrat, making the case that the budget was not balanced nor fair. While each received polite applause from the crowd, Carney received numerous instance of raucous applause and a standing ovation from many when he concluded. The crowd clearly preferred a more balanced approach.

The School treasurer and superintendent then went through the district's budget and presented the following power point

Dublin City Schools Budget Presentation - May 11th, 2011

Obviously not good news, so much so people are urged to contact the legislators and express their concern with the current budget proposal. We echo that request.

State Representatives
John Patrick Carney (D)
District:  22
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-2473
Fax: (614) 719-6961
Can be contacted via web. http://www.house.state.oh.us

Cheryl Grossman (R) (Southern portion of district schools)
District:  23
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-9690
Fax: (614) 719-6962
Can be contacted via web. http://www.house.state.oh.us

Andrew Brenner (R) (Delaware Co.-Pinney)
District:  2
77 S. High St
12th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 644-6711
Fax: (614) 719-0002
Can be contacted via web. http://www.house.state.oh.us

Mike Duffey (R) (Far northeast portion of district)
District:  21
77 S. High St
13th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 644-6030
Fax: (614) 719-6960
Can be contacted via web. http://www.house.state.oh.us

David Burke (R) (Union County)
77 S. High St
12th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-8147
Fax: (614) 719-6983
Can be contacted via web. http:www.house.state.oh.us

Ohio Senate
Jim Hughes (R)
District 16
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-5981
Email: SD16@senate.state.oh.us

Karen Gillmor (R) (Union Co.-Jerome,Glacier)
District 26
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-8049
Email: SD26@senate.state.oh.us

Kris Jordan (R) (Delaware Co.-Pinney)
District 19
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-8086
Email: SD19@senate.state.oh.us

Kevin Bacon (R) (Far northeast portion of district)
District 3
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-8064
Email: SD03@senate.state.oh.us

Rallys around the State on Tuesday

This week marks a critical turning point in the fight to protect not only our collective bargaining rights, but public education itself. On Tuesday, Governor Kasich will unveil details of his first two-year budget. Given a looming $8 billion deficit, cuts to K-12 public education and higher education are expected to be steep and painful. Furthermore, the governor has said that it include many "reforms," not the least of which will involve diverting taxpayer dollars to unproven charter schools and voucher programs that support private schools.

Against this backdrop, it is critically important that we have a huge turnout of members at Tuesday's "Stand Up for Ohio" rallies. Twelve such rallies will be held across the state, and the only one in Central will be held at Westerville Central High School (7118 Mount Royal Ave., Westerville) from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. (This marks a change in location from what had originally been planned for the Westerville Public Library.)

Please spread the word and encourage all of your fellow members, along with their families, friends, and supporters to be there with you. This rally will take place just blocks from Governor Kasich's home and will be a great message to send a loud and clear message, right in his backyard, that policies are wrong for the middle class, wrong for children, and wrong for the future of our state.

For those of you who live a distance away from Columbus, there are similar rallies taking place in the Dayton area (at the corner of Maple St. and E. National Rd. in Vandalia), in Portsmouth (at Shawnee State University), and in Mansfield (in the Main St. Town Square), all beginning at 5:00.

There is also a rally scheduled for next Saturday, March 19, on the square in downtown Newark at noon. (Arrive at 11:00.)

Also, please continue to contact your representatives by email and telephone.

Call 1-888-907-7309 or the Direct line listed below to let your representative in the House hear from you on why SB 5 needs to be stopped.