"A new poll shows the majority of Ohioans strongly support their local schools, want funding cuts restored to local schools and governments, and oppose public funding for private and parochial school tuition." ~ that's how a new poll just published describes its findings with regards to education in Ohio.
The poll was commisnios by the Ohio schoo administrators, OSBA, OASBO and BASA.
The poll found that no one trusts the Govenor nor his legislture on education issues.
Governor, State School Superintendent, State Legislature or your local School Board?
63.9% Local School Board
14.5% State School Superintendent
7.4% Unsure/no answer
6.6% Governor
3.3% State Legislature
2.9% Other (volunteered)
1.3% All/combination (volunteered)
Just as bad perhpas is how the Governor and his education privatization policies are being viewed
And finally, despite a constant drumbeat regarding school report cards, people have very mixed views
Forty-eight percent of Ohioans said their district’s local report card rating was “somewhat” influential
Corporate education reformers are severely out-running where public opinion is at.